Chase the Rabbit and see where he leads

I keep asking “Why,” when it comes to some of the items that President Obama is planning, has done, or has spoken about, and I keep coming back to only one logical conclusion.  This is a road that no-one wants to go down, but put on your tin-foil hat and join me for a moment.Continue reading “Chase the Rabbit and see where he leads”

In the Beginning…

From the introduction of my thesis: The United States was born out of the Enlightenment.  The founding documents were the philosophical descendants of Cicero, Burke, and others whose writings were studied and expanded by the likes of Jefferson, Madison, and Mason.  The founders set up a framework for a government that allowed as much personalContinue reading “In the Beginning…”

Politics of “Mind-Your-Own-Business” would be a breath of fresh air in DC

  I find it interesting that the administration, which are avid anti-bullying advocates, is attempting to bully the Washington Redskins into changing their name.  All the nudges so far have been met with firm resistance by the owner, so the next step is a push using the legal resources available through the federal trademark office. ThereContinue reading “Politics of “Mind-Your-Own-Business” would be a breath of fresh air in DC”